
student advocates point to the trump

 Kiva, a San Francisco based crowdfunded distributor of loans to "unbanked" small businesses worldwide, will administer the program. The loans will be pooled, Wall Street style, with the pools, rather than individual loans, assessed for risk. Commercial lenders will be paid off first, philanthropies last. Sherrod Brown (D Ohio), who harshly criticized Stumpf last month at a meeting the Senate Banking Committee held on the Wells Fargo scandal."We are still waiting for answers as to how Wells Fargo plans to right its wrongs against customers and the low paid employees who weren't given the benefit of a retirement package when they were fired for refusing to cheat," he said.Rep. Maxine Waters (D Los Angeles), called it "more than appropriate" that Stumpf retire given his direct responsibility" for failing to stop fraudulent activity at the bank. But she questioned whether Sloan was the right person to replace him."I remain concerned that incomi